Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Katie/Kids really do say the funniest things

Katie turned 3 today. She is such a fun sassy little thing. She makes life fun at our house. We got back from Port Orford last night around 11:00, and I have yet to find my little camera. We did her party there with Mom and Dad so I will post those pictures of her as soon as I find my camera.

Kids really do say the funniest things. 2 weeks ago we came home from church and we had been in the house for maybe 5 minutes when Katie did something to Ben that really got him upset. I proceeded to try and make her say sorry for the the next 5 minutes, at which point Ben realized she hadn't done whatever it was that he thought she had done (she never did apologize). Then Joelle came up to me laughing and said "Mom, I can't believe Katie wouldn't apologize - look at what she learned at church today." She held up a little necklace that Katie had made at nursery that day. It had a picture of two happy people on it and a saying across the top that read "I Can Be Happy When I Say I'm Sorry." Seriously! What did she learn that day? Obviously not the lesson - why do I even send her to nursery :).

Tonight Joelle was wandering around the house aimlessly. She and Emma are reading the Harry Potter series right now (she is on the 3rd book and Emma is on the 4th). They decided that they aren't good for Sunday reading. Emma reads classics on Sunday but Joelle says she doesn't want to start reading something that will distract her from Harry Potter. So she kept walking around saying how bored she was.
She came up to me once and said "I am bored to my stomach." Then a second latter she said "I am bored to my brain." Then she finally got it and said, "Oh wait, I think I am bored out of my mind." :)
I congratulated her on finally getting the right phrase. What a funny kid.


Sunflower-6 said...

Happy Happy Birthday Katie!

Nikki said...

Happy Birthday, I can not believe she is 3 already. I remember when she was born. I miss those kiddos. Katana read the whole Potter series this summer. She started on all the Percy Jackson ones now. I just can not get into them. Usually I try to read what they do but I just can not with Harry Potter

Mindy said...

HaHa! That is so cute! I love and miss those kids...

Laurel said...

Wow! I can't believe that she is 3 now. Happy Birthday Katie!! Can't wait to see some more pics. Miss you guys!

rusty and julie thatcher said...

i miss you and david and your kids so much i just can't stand it!!! i hate that you guys had to move but oh well i'll just have to deal with it!