Isn't this beautiful. It was like being on vacation. I could not believe how green it was. The hike we went on was awesome. Of course I only took pics. this one day because I knew that David wanted to see it all. Every cabin had a theme. Our counselors (5th year girls) came up with the theme of each cabin. Our them was "the 70's". That little banner says "Groovy Baby." My counselors were so cute. I loved getting to know them.
This was the "adult" room in the cabin. My bunk is there on the right. Believe it or not these mattresses were pretty dang comfy (that or I was so tired at night I just slept well).
This is like a big common area in the center of our little cabin. Straight ahead to the right is the little bathroom area.
There were two of these rooms in the cabin as well. Each one had 6 bunks. The girls didn't even argue about what bunk they were given. They were all so cute! This little one was a daughter of the cabin mom that was with me.
This is just the other side of that room.
Seriously, have any of you camped so well for girls camp? I will be so sad next year if I don't get to be in these cabins again :).
This is where we ate and sang all those crazy songs you sing at meal time.
This area is called Toby's. It is just a big open area with a stage (to the left that you can't see). We would gather here every night for "campfire" (which is funny since we never actually had a fire). This is really the main gathering hall. It is actually pretty big even though it doesn't look it. This is where all the good stuff took place.
They have this little pond (it actually looks bigger in this picture than it actually is) where you can catch tons of little newts. I don't know if you can see the little boat to the right or not, but they have about 12 of them. They are little 2 seater things and the first years went nuts over them. It was funny because you rarely saw any girls older than a second year in them. I guess they get their fill that first year, or they just grow out of it. The water in the pond looks so nasty though, you couldn't have paid me to get in one of the boats. I would have died if I had fallen in that water. :)
Aren't these girls so cute. Who wouldn't want to spend a week with them? It was neat how accepting they were. I loved being pulled back into the fun (yet crazy emotional) life of a teenager. Though I would never want to be one again, it was great to feel their energy, and love.
This pool was massive, and freezing. I don't know how anyone could handle swimming in it. They do a polar plunge every morning at 6:30 for anyone who wants to. If you do it 3 out of the 5 days you get a bead. All my girls got their beads - nuts! (although the pool had been closed the first 2 days so they only had to do it once to get a bead - still crazy though).
This is the meadow. They do most of their certification here.
These were my counselors. Cutest girls ever! Yes they have their tooshes stuffed for our flag call that afternoon. They were always so happy and took such good care of our cabin. I hope I get to hang with these girls next year because they were awesome. I wish I could have gotten a picture of my YCL's (the 6th and 7th year girls that taught all my classes). They were amazing. I loved spending so much time with them and just seeing the strength and beauty that is out there in the youth of the curch. It was very humbling at times.
This deer was hanging around all week. There were a couple of baby deer too, but this one was brave enough to be out with all of us at all hours of the day. At this point I was maybe 3 feet away from her. She would just come and snack in the meadow. The girls loved her, but were good about keeping their distance. Overall it was a fantastic week. I know this isn't the most exciting post, it was more for journaling puroses :). I really had a great time.
I'm glad you had a blast at girl's camp!! That campsite is GORGEOUS!
Fun, fun!! Glad you had a good time! That is an amazing cabin! We never had anything that nice when we camped at girls camp! Can't wait to see you!
I always dreaded going to girls camp (not all that in to camping, ya know) as a youth and as an adult leader but once I got there I loved it! It's a wonderful opportunity for these girls testimonies to grow and your own for that matter. That definitely came through in your post. Brings back good memories. Wish every girls camp was as pretty as yours was.
How pretty! I would LOVE to go to girl's camp again...if I didn't have a nursing baby! We sure miss you guys and are so jealous that Julie and Rusty get to come for a visit. Darn hospital bills!!!
That is a nice camp
ok come on now! Anyone would have a good time camping there! I would go there right now! I mean really who gets a bathroom in their cabin for girls camp! It looked so nice! Lucky!
You are right...that is an amazing campground! Those girls were so lucky to have you as their cabin Mom. :)
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