Okay, so it has been forever since I blogged and still I don't have much to offer. I thought I had a lot more, but I realized much of it is on David's camera and he has to format it for me so I can put it on here. I am not so good with all that mumbo-jumbo, so I don't know how to do it myself. But hopefully we will get those pictures on here soon (especially since his pictures are so much better than mine - I really need to learn to use his camera-- so he can then buy a new one :). Right Dave?).
Anyway, this was our egg coloring day. We ended up going to Wendy's house to say goodbye over Easter weekend so we did all our Easter stuff the Friday before. It was really fun. I love that all my kids still like to find eggs. The older 3 were really good about helping the younger two find eggs. It was really sweet. All those pics are on David's camera of course :). (I can't believe it is June 3rd and I am just now getting around to blogging Easter - Crazy!)

We also got the joy of meeting all the new puppies in our Port Orford group. The kids loved playing with these cuddly little guys.We can't wait to see Little Bear when my parents come to visit. Joelle needs some puppy cuddle time. She is totally puppy hungry.

These are horrible pictures, I know, but I figure I blog everyone else's birthdays, I should do mine too right? This was an awesome cake that Wendy made me for my birthday (which is crazy that she even made me a cake since she was moving in 3 days - She is an amazing sister). It was so sad to see them go, but I am so happy that life is good for them right now. I don't know if it was because we were so sad that they were leaving, or we were in denial, or what, but we didn't get any other pictures that weekend. No pictures of their cute kids, or Wendy and Jose, or anything. How lame! I am glad we got to go spend that last little time with them. We will miss them, but we know that they are in the right place :). BTY - My birthday was April 24th and I turned 33 - just thought I would get that in there so I can look it up next time I can't remember how old I am (which happens all the time).

Katie's new hobby is cooking. She loves to be in the kitchen making soup or salad. Jacob loves it too and is usually right by her side, but he was off playing at this point. They will sit for hours cutting and spinning salad in the salad spinner. It is really cute. Thank you Wendy for the idea of giving them butter knives instead of real knives - that has been very helpful :).

When we all sit down to watch a show as a family and we ask the kids what they want to watch, Jacob's answer is almost always "Take Home Chef". Love it!

Sarah your hair is getting so long! I love it!
How FUN!! Man, I miss your kids!! Katie is SO CUTE! Could she be any happier in those last few pictures?!! I am trying to remember if I called you on your birthday. I really hope I did, but I honestly can't remember! If I didn't...I am SO SORRY! "Happy Birthday, agian!"...or "Happy Belated Birthday!" either one! Love you Sar!
I'm SUPER glad that you blogged!! The kids are adorable and getting so big--and you look GREAT! (Makes my heart ache to be with you guys again.)
I can not believe how big everyone is getting. I agree your hair is so long. Not use to it. Little peanut is taking after her daddy in the kitchen. LOVE IT. The puppy is so cute! I am glad you are all are so HAPPY. I miss you bunches though!
I always forget how old I am too! That is so funny. I miss you, miss you, miss you!
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