Okay people, I know that most of my posts are insanely long. Well this one will beat all. It took me two and a half hours to just download all these pictures (I think the reason for that was that I decided I would real all your blogs while I waited for my pictures to download and I got very distracted :). Anyway, I am really sorry. Just humor me. There are some treasures in here. Not to mention this is my journal so I have no where else to put all this stuff. If you don't feel like reading or looking pass right on by. I enjoyed looking at these pictures enough for all of us.
We had so much fun this last week. David's little brother Michael got married this last weekend. August 16. The whole family came (accept Tanya who was having a blast in France, and Hans who was TDY). We decided to make this our summer vacation. We had
SOOOOOOO much fun. We got to Logan (Utah) early Wednesday afternoon. We got to our hotel and found out our two rooms were right next door to David's little sister Laurel and her 4 kids. If you as Ben, he will tell you that was his favorite part of the whole trip. We would leave the doors open a little and they would all run back and forth between the two rooms. they couldn't get enough of each other. Later that afternoon we met up with John and Heidi and went to the Logan Zoo. It is a very pretty, very small zoo. It was great. The weather was beautiful. There is a huge park right outside the zoo that the kids went to a couple of times during the trip. We hung out there that first afternoon.

On bottom from left to right: Ben, Braden, Joelle, Emma. On top: Jake,
Sydney, Morgan

After the park we all went grocery shopping and then we went with Laurel, her kids, Nana and Papa to Olive Garden. This was
Emma's favorite meal the whole trip. Thank you Nana and Papa for such a fun night! Left to Right: Gavin, Jacob, Ben, Savannah,
Tristen(in back),
Makayla, Joelle and Emma.

The next morning, right after breakfast, we took the kids swimming (they would not stop asking the previous day so we thought we would get it over with early).

That afternoon the boys had a bachelor party doing exactly what Michael would choose to do. Fishing. John and Michael each caught something. Good job guys :).

It was Jacobs first time bowling. He loved it. For the next two days any time we were going anywhere he would ask if we were going bowling. Poor kid, it was just that once:).

Here are all the boy cousins.......

... and all the girl cousins.

Left to Right: Michael (the groom), Mike (Papa), David, John. (Michael is youngest, John is oldest)

These are Michael's new
in laws. They were a fun group of guys.

David thought it would be fun to go see the
Gossner milk plant (for those of you who have heard of the shelf
stable milk you will know what I'm talking about).

There was NOT much to see. Oh well. We got some good milk for the kids to drink that week.

On the day of the wedding David and his brother John got up at 5:00 in the morning to get in one more fishing trip. John gave David a bunch of tips that morning and David was able to
catch 4 fish. Thank you John. It was his best fishing trip ever.

My sister in law Amy helped me make these floweres for the wedding. Each of my girls had one and they were each a little different. I loved it. By the way, Katie's got lost somewhere with her pretty little black headband if anyone has seen it :). I really did have fun with these flowers. And here if proof that I can do my girls hair when I put my mind to it.

Have you ever seen a cuter duo. I love a man with a baby girl.

Katie's dress was my favorite. Of course I wasn't thinking about the fact that I was taking a one year old to the temple in a halter top dress..... but boy was she cute. She got a little sunburned which mad me feel really bad. Then at the reception she was really cold. I was standing by Joelle when I noticed it. I said "Katie, I am so sorry you are so cold." Joelle said "uh, yeah mom, she has no sleves, she's unmodest." I felf a teeny bit guilty at that point. But ohwell, she as a cute one year old baby. I love the dress.

These two were hilarious. They are both three and were ready to get their groove on at the reception. They were the most fun to watch.

This was the beginning of the reception. Doesn't he look happy! I just realized that I have no picture from the temple. David has some on his blog if any one wants to see them. They are really good. Michael and JaNae are a beautiful couple.

She was such a beautiful bride. They were so fun to take pictures of. I think we had more fun than they did.

These three were ready for the bouquet to be thrown. David has all the pictures of that too. If he dosn't blog them, I will. Not that you all want to see even more pictures of this, but I loved it.

Their first dance. They definately had the moves :).

They danced with the little kids more than eachother. It was realy sweet.

Papa and Joelle, what a cute couple.

At one point he was dancing with all three girls.... What a guy!

Joelle caught the bouquet (or should I say...... kind of - and I mean kind of - ripped it out of Makayla's hands). She had been trying to catch that thing for the last 3 weddings. Way to go Joelle.

On Sunday we all checked out of the hotel (accept for Nana and Papa), and went to Bear lake. We stoped at a little pizza place a couple miles away from the lake. This picture does not do justice. I can't even describe how big this pizza really is. We are talking huge. It was by far the biggest pizza I have ever seen. Anyway..... Pizza anyone??
Super long post! I was wondering why I could not get a hold of you....Congradulations on making the bows. I told you it was super easy! Glad your back though
I loved reading all about it. I know I was there with you for most of it, but still it is so fun to see the pictures you got too. It really was a great time. The last hotel looked so good. I loved the way your bed looked. Good to end there! And yummy chocolate. We all miss you guys already
I love long posts! It looks like you guys had a really fun time! I love the park city resort room (it's bigger than mine and Joel's first home too). However, this post did make me extremely hungry, so now I have to go rummage through my cupboards to find some chocolate!
Looks like your trip was Über-cool! Sorry Katie's flower got lost. I hope someone found it!
Can't wait to hear from the kids what their favorite parts were.
I loved your ramblings Sarah! Sounded like a wonderful trip :)
The insanely long post...so worth reading! Great pictures and LOADS of fun! I'm glad you had a great time. Ethan saw the pictures of Dave in the pool and wants to know why Dave is neked! LOL!
Sarah, I loved reading your post. What great memories will we all have of the trip to Logan. What better way to celebrate a wedding for eternity than to be with family! I am so grateful we were there together. Hopefully the entire family will be at the next wedding!
Sarah- you are adorable! katie's 'unmodest' dress is still super cute. You have the awesomest (is that a word) family EVER! You guys are so adorable. I loved your long post.
*PS. I was told that little boys can't go in hot tubs if you want grandbabies some day...
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