Sunday, August 3, 2008
The first day of school.....Happy? or Sad?
I never know if I am happy or sad when summer ends. I love being able to clean my house without having to stop a million times to get something for someone, or help someone do something. Every time my house gets trashed during the summer I think "just a few more weeks." But then that time comes, and I'm sad. My kids, on the other hand, were very happy to start school. They started school on Thursday July 31st. Ben started kindergarten, Emma 2nd grade and Joelle 3rd. The morning went smoothly. Since we don't leave till 10:45 they had plenty of time to play. Silly me forgot to take pictures at home so here we are rushing pictures in the school parking lot. They were good sports.

Ben and Addy Kidd are in the same class. I think that helped. Addy was a little apprehensive about school at first, but she ended up very happy and loving it.
The one thing Ben was most excited about was playing on the kindergarten playground every day. He'd been talking about it for a whole year. It was like getting to go to the park every day. He was so happy when we finally got to school.
Then came the sadness, we found out that there was a heat advisory for the day and they wouldn't be able to play on the playground. He was sad, but he held up really well for his teacher.
It only made it worse when we had to sit outside right by the playground for role call.
Here is the best one to me. This is his one last forlorn look at me and the playground. :)
Despite his sadness he loved school. The teacher told them they would have a surprise on the second day. When I picked Ben up the next day I could hear him telling the girls, "We got to write our names in this stuff, that I can't remember what it's called, but it was so fun." He was all excited about it. I was talking to Mindy after school and she asked Addy what the surprise was and Addy said somthing along the lines of "we wrote our names in pudding and it wasn't even cool cause it didn't even taste good." I had a great laugh at the whole thing, Ben couldn't remember the name of pudding and Addy didn't like it because it didn't taste good. Ahhh, the silliness of children. It doesn't get any better than that.
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How exciting!! I can't wait to ask Ben how Kindergarten is tomorrow. I love your kids!!!
I hate when they kiddos go back to school. I really hate it this year I no longer have children at home.
We have the first day of school in one week. I am having a hard time with it this year as for the first time summer flew by but mostly because my baby is going to kindergarten and my oldest to Jr high. Sigh! It is a whole other stage in my life. While I will enjoy the cleaner house and the peace and quiet I have a feeling it will be too quiet. And I will miss my middle of the day hugs.
Do you guys always start at 10 45 or was it just that first day? When do they get home?
I am looking forward to the kids going back. We have another month. I really enjoy getting back into some type of routine. Summer has been fun though. The kids looked very cute for their first day back. I love getting them all dressed up. See you guys next week!!
How fun! that is so exciting for them and i can't believe That Ben is in School! was Jake so sad? they all looked so cute and i hope they have a great year. you all are the cutest!!!
Yay for the first day of school!
How sad is that! Poor little kiddo didn't even get to play on the playground. All of your kids are so cute and so well dressed!
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