Monday, June 4, 2012

Some things about Katie

This girl can be so funny. These pictures are from a few months ago, but when I saw them I remembered that I wanted to post them. I had told her she could come to the store with me and she said we had to get her ready first. She ran and got her fancy purse, some fancy shoes and then looked at me and said "you HAVE to cuwl (curl) my haiw (hair)." I said "Really? We are just going to the store." Katie- "yes Mom, you HAVE TO.  I have to look bewtiful." I said - "you always look beautiful". She said - "I know, but this will make me more bewtiful." So what could I do, I "cuwled" her hair. And I think it turned out beautiful if I do say so myself :). 
Here are some fun things about Katie. She loves to set the dinner table. If she knows anyone is coming she will beg to set the big table super pretty. She loves the white table cloth the best. She will get big napkins and wrap the silverware in it. She LOVES to put out the wine glasses (we got them for sparkling cider on New Years Eve and she and Emma love to use them all the time) for juice. She has the best time setting the table. I think she would make a great party planner when she gets older. She loves to give (and get) gifts. Anytime she knows it is someones birthday or any kind of holiday she always wants to get people gifts. It is really sweet. When we do our family scripture study she loves to pass out all the Books of Mormon and then loves to gather them up at the end and put them nicely on the shelf.
Tonight during family scripture study she had a funny moment. I was reading Alma 12:27. There is a part in the verse that says "But it was appointed unto MEN that they must die." She very seriously looked up and said "What!? So the BOYS are going to die?" We all started laughing (which she didn't understand and wasn't too happy about). It was great.

We were just reading a story about Robert E Lee (David wants us to be ready for our trip back east when and get to see all the history there). The book was explaining what a good boy and student he was and how much his mother loved him and how he took care of her, their home and family. It stated that in 1825 he was leaving home to begin his career as a soldier. His mother was quoted to say "How can I live without Robert? He is both son and daughter to me." At this point we all kind of looked at David like ..."What?"
Then Jacob said "So... he has girl hair... but he's a boy." We all just laughed again. It was a pretty funny night. I don't know if these things will sound funny to anyone else, but those of us that were lucky enough to be here to hear it will read this and laugh later. I love the funny things kids come up with.


GlemserFamily said...

Oh my gosh....your kids are the funniest! Thanks for sharing!!

Laurel Baker said...

PRETTY girl!!! Oh how I miss you all sooooo much!!!!

nglemser said...

Laughing out loud!!! What would life be like without the "fun" of kids and their comments? They make life seem so "worth the hastle"!

WOW what very beautiful hair! You are such a great beautician "Mom"!

Nikki said...

Beautiful Hair... I miss that little peanut