She had a blast shopping. I wish I had my camera that day. It was hilarious. I should have filmed it. She had picked out some clothes that I wasn't too fond of so we went to the dressing room to see if I liked them better on (by the way - neither Emma nor Joelle would want to shop for clothes for their birthday). She loved trying them on! She would come out and twirl for David and ask him what he thought. And she would walk all pretty back to the dressing room. It was so cute. There was this guy out waiting while his wife tried on clothes and he was cracking up. She is such a little ham. When all was said and done she had a shirt, 2 dresses, a super flashy purse, 2 necklaces and a toy (which was a barbie camera, phone and purse all in one package). We told her she didn't have enough money for all of that so believe it or not, she put back the toy (and the necklace Jake had picked out for her -which was good because then he picked out gum and candy for her when she wasn't looking so she did end up with a present that was a surprise :-).
We took her to Kung Fu Panda (Panda Express - no matter how many times we tell her the real name she still calls it Kung Fu Panda) for her birthday dinner. She, Jake and Ben live for that place. All she had was a plate of Orange chicken and soda and loved it! It was the topping on the cake when she opened her fortune cookie and the fortune said "you have a flare for the dramatics; you should consider acting as a career." David and I just laughed and laughed. It could not have been more perfect for her. She loves attention and is very good at getting it. I am a little worried about the fact that I have a 4 year old who chose clothes and purses over toys for her birthday..... She is a mystery to me, but I love her to pieces.
I love the faces she makes when she blows. I don't know why she can't blow with her eyes open? How does she even know where she is blowing?
She acted all surpriesed when she opened her presents. She is my little girl alright.
This cute little girl on the right is Emma's best friend Mikeala. All of my kids adore her. She had come over a little bit earlier that day and Katie had asked if she could come back for her party. I told her I would come pick her up in an hour and a half. When I came she had a present in her hand. She had made her Dad take her to get Katie a present. She said she is all about birthdays and couldn't show up without a gift. She is the sweetest funniest little girl. Katie was so excited to have one more surprise gift.
The other sweet little girl and boy in the pics are the kids of some of our closest friends up here, the Hirschi's (sounds like Hershey). Joelle loves their name even though it isn't spelled the same she thinks it is so cool. Their daughter had taken the time to make Katie a very pretty bracelet. She was so sweet.
She loved her gift from Grandma and Grandpa Glemser. She still has the money in her flashy purse. She won't spend it because she likes that she has real money in her purse. She loves cards too so to get one in the mail just for her was a special treat. She actually bought herself a birthday card when we were shopping for her presents (I made her choose from the $.99 ones otherwise we would have been there for hours).
Then finally she got to Nana and Papa's present. She has been waiting for this for months. They brought it with them when they came for Ben's baptism in April. It was hiding up in our closet under a blanket but at some point that blanket had shifted and you could see the birthday wrap. She noticed it one day and ever since she has asked a leat 3 times a week "when can I have my present?"
It did not dissapoint. She loves baby dolls and this one walks and talks and does all sorts of fun things. It met with all of Katies expectations of a baby doll. She even made a bed for it in a special spot in her room. Thank you Nana and Papa. She loves it!

These are just some cute pictures I threw in. I had a friend here the other day who braided her hair so cute (for some reason I can't find the one that showed the back). She will never let me braid it so I had to get some pictures. It looked so pretty. She makes the funniest faces.
Wow...4 years! I guess that makes sense because we got married 4 years ago and you were super pregnant at our wedding! :)
Hey we are beyond excited to visit you guys in October! Just seeing the green grass in the background of your pics...aaah. Lovely.
Ooohhh Katie!! SOOOO CUTE...and she knows it!! What a fun birthday! You can see it in her face! I LOVE that your kids all like to pick out their own presents and then wrap and open them later! I am so glad we got to see her sweet little personality for a few days! Wish we could see it more often! Love you!
Every picture was a joy! I can just imagine how much fun it was to watch her try on clothes!!!
Who planted that fortune cookie there just for her? That was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!
I love her!!! I want to go shopping with her...too cute!
I can't believe little Katie is FOUR! I love all of the pictures!!! Katie is just adorable. I wish I could go shopping with her---we would have so much fun! MISS YOU GUYS!
Oh i just love Katie! She is getting so big! I'm glad she had such a good Birthday! I was laughing so hard about her trying on cloths! I could totally picture it in my head! I love you guys so much and miss all of you! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
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