Monday, March 28, 2011
I love Birthdays!! (and spring break and the Velasquez family :)
Last week was a blast! Wendy, Jose and the kids came up for part of their spring break. It was so much fun. I miss them a ton already. We went out all day on Saturday (the 19th) for Jose's birthday. We tried to go to the Temple that morning, but we found out that you don't even want to attempt going to the Portland Temple on the 1st Saturday of spring break. All the schools (College, High School, Elementary) throughout the entire state of Oregon have spring break on the same week. I am not sure why they do this exactly, but they do. It just meant for a whole lot of weddings and youth groups being at the temple. It was cool to see it so busy, but not so great for finding parking or doing a session. So we just drove around and looked at the temple for a little bit and decided to go off on our second adventure of the day - down town (I never get tired of going there :). Of course my pictures kind of stink (what else is new), but I am just happy I remembered to use my camera every now and then. We saw this cool pirate guy right out side our lunch spot. The boys really got a kick out of it. I thought he was pretty sweet myself.
We had lunch at this fun little place called Qdoba. Believe it or not, I had never heard of it before. It was awesome, the food was so good (thanks Wendy and Jose - We loved it!).
And of course we had to stop in at Powell's books. You can't come all the way to Portland without checking out one of the nations largest book stores, right?
Here we are at an out door Market (and of course I didn't get any pictures of the actual market - sometimes I really wonder wear my brain is). The market was great. They had lots of little jewelry shops and art, and clothes, and food, and soap... etc. It was something new to me and lots of fun. I got a cap, Nick got another.... whatever those are called that he is wearing in the picture... some kind of head covering :). Wendy got some cool soap and Jose got some awesome spices. I don't think Josh got anything there..... He did however get a great book at the bookstore that he read (and probably finished) while they were here. It was called.... "A Zombie Guide" or "A Guide to Zombies" or something like that. Whenever I went looking for him, he was always reading it. I hoped he liked it. We only had these two older boys with us that day. It was really neat getting to hang out with them too.
We were out so long that we went to dinner as well. We went to this fancy Mediterranean restaurant that was so good. I can't remember the name of it because ....... I forgot to take a picture of it. But, we are all in luck because I do remember where it is located. So if you come to visit and you want so great Mediterranean food, I can get you there.
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HOW FUN! Portland looks like such a COOL place--I can't wait to visit someday!!!
btw--Your pictures are GREAT!! Love & miss ya!
Sar, you weren't in any of the pictures!! You will have to be in some of them next time! I am so glad you got to spend time with Wendy and Jose's family! We sure do miss all of you!
Man, maybe I should come spend my birthday with you guys. It sounds like you had a fun day. I can't believe how old Wendy and Jose's kids are! Time really must go by faster as an adult.
I can't wait to get to Portland again! ("Inland" can be so much fun!") I can see you spoiled the Velasquez family and they deserve it.
Aren't those boys so fun to be with? (We all know Mari is a treat for us all and does not like to be in pictures.)
I must say you are blogging more lately and I will have to check much more often.
Let's make a blog page this about one on Ben's baptism day? (just a suggestion!)
Can't wait to be there!
Sarah, I'm catching up on your blog and totally crying like such a freakin girl because your kids are so big and I MISS YOU so MUCH!!! You seem so happy in Oregon, but come and visit me soon like we planned :-)
That looks like so much fun!!!! I wish i had been there!!! When we come we'll have to some fun stuff down town too!
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