The other kids were so excited to give her her presents, we did it first thing in the morning (well right after breakfast or we never would have gotten Katie to eat :).
I had taken her to Target to get an idea of what she would like. I meant mostly to look for a baby, but when we went down the isle, she saw this purse kit and was glued to it. I had the hardest time getting it away from her and sneaking it back into my cart later. I really had to distract her with about 3 other toys. I was so excited to give her the purse on her birthday. She has taken it everywhere with her sunglasses in it. She loves the purse and the phone that came with it. Believe it or not. She really doesn't like the baby. I tried to talk her into other babies, but that is the only one she wanted to look at, so I thought it would be the one she would want. She won't play with it. I was a little bummed till I noticed that Emma and Joelle won't put the baby down. It gives me hope that Katie will like it more when she is older. Haha.
Every morning when she wakes up she wants me to get her dressed right away. Then she wants a flower in her hair, then she wants to put on some of mommy's makeup (just lip gloss). I have to follow her routine or she get pretty sad.

That night we went to Mike and Amy's house for piano lessons (my sister-in-law Amy teaches my girls piano and we trade with making dinner for both our families each time - I get the better end of that deal for sure:). We had dinner and went swimming and then came it for the cupcakes that Katie and made with her Daddy that morning.
This was actually her second time with the candles. She did really well blowing them out.
She only ate about a quarter of her cupcake. She would much rather have candy.
Amy got her this bouncy ball. She loves it. All my kids think it is the best gift ever.
Grandma Glemser had sent her a very fun basket with all sorts of fun little thinks inside, things to color and a winnie the pooh book (Katie loves to read). But I wasn't home when John dropped it off, so the kids took it on themselves to give it to Katie. She loves it all, but I never got a picture of it all together. Thank you Amy and Mom for your gifts. They helped make her birthday so happy. It was her best one yet (wink, wink ;).
That night we went to Mike and Amy's house for piano lessons (my sister-in-law Amy teaches my girls piano and we trade with making dinner for both our families each time - I get the better end of that deal for sure:). We had dinner and went swimming and then came it for the cupcakes that Katie and made with her Daddy that morning.
I can not believe she is two already. Where the heck has time gone.
I can't believe that she is two! How do you feel knowing that your youngest is 2!! Isn't it great...mine is 4 and I love it. She really is a cute little girl. She'll be so big the next time we get to see you guys
Love her grin in the first picture of her and David. She is so cute!!! I miss her!
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