They stopped in the pet section to check out the fish. He didn't want to get one he just wanted to look.
Then they went to McDonalds to get a kids meal. He has been wanting the spiderman toy they offer there :). He also got to play the game they have there. Just him and Dad, pretty fun night.
Then he came home and made a Star Wars cupcake cake. Pretty exciting, don't ya think. He picked these cake toys at Walmart. I think they are pretty slick looking.
Everyone enjoyed the cupcakes. Katie had already had 4 that weren't frosted. That girl can eat cake.
Silly face I know, but I just wanted to show his gifts. He is a very happy boy tonight. We are just finishing "Prince Caspian." We let them stay up way past their bed time. Oh well, great days end late right? At least that's what my kids think.
We hope you had a very Happy Birthday Ben!! Sydney can hardly wait to turn SIX!
What a handsome boy... I can't get over how much he looks like a your dad and Amy. Do Amy's kids look like you?
Happy 6th Birthday Ben!! Wyatt can't wait until July to catch up to you and Ady!!! Hope you had fun. We love the Narnia movies too!
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