I know I haven't blogged in forever, but honestly we have had nothing to blog about. We have gone nowhere and nothing of any importance has happened in our home. Crazy I know. We did have the ward
camp out which went well, but I forgot to take pictures (I was a little
preoccupied -understandably:). It was tons of fun though. Anyway, back to Halloween. These pictures do not do justice. In reality you could barely see the green in the girls hair. I think the flash of the camera really caught the color. It actually looked very pretty and not so slimy :). We had a very fun night. We always go across the street to Marni and Brandon's house with a bunch of families that live on our street. Marni and Brandon always make Wassail, the Morris family brought hot chocolate and vanilla ice cream, David made apple crisp (hence the need for ice cream) and the Johnsons brought caramel dip and apples to dip in it (can you say yummy?). We had a fire in a fire pit in the driveway even though we wondered if it was really cold enough. We had a better turn out of trick or treaters this year. All in all, I think the night was a success. We have inhaled so much candy in the last couple of days that my kids don't even seem like themselves. Ben has even more energy than before (I didn't think that was possible). I can't wait for the candy to be gone. I told them they could eat as much of it as possible by Friday and then it would go in the trash. I never thought they would actually finish it, but it looks like they might. It was a very fun Holiday.
Emma was a "Snow Queen", Ben and Jake were both "Indiana Jones", and Joelle was a witch.

Katie was a very
feisty Tinkerbell. She was totally in character :)

This was David's way of saying "take this
feisty fairy, I don't want her anymore." Can anyone
actually hear him say that?

This is Trista. She is Marni and Brandon's daughter. I L
OVED her costume. Like I said before, the camera does not do justice. I should have gotten a picture of the back. The tail was great. So cute!

Does it get any better than Tinkerbell? Halloween is a Holiday right up Katie's alley!

Once again, no justice done here. This kid's costume was awesome. You can't really see, but the face on the Top Hat is the guy from the "Nightmare Before Christmas" movie. I really liked his costume. Just thought I would throw it in for fun. You can't tell from his face, but he was pretty happy to get his picture taken. He was a pretty funny kid.

Gotta love Halloween!!!
I have missed you blogging too!! We sure do love Halloween. I love the pictures of the kids all dressed up. We sure miss you guys. They all look so cute. Glad you guys had a great time
Look how awesome everyone looks! Yes that green in the hair is bright! Very fun!
We missed you guys at Halloween. That is one holiday that will probably always remind me of your family. Hmm...kind of makes me feel a little sad. But, the kids look great and I can totally hear David trying to pass Tinkerbell off to you :)
It seems like forever seens I have seen you or talked to you. The kiddos look great.
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