Sunday, February 27, 2011
Our Dynamic Duo
We recently discovered that we have two little children who love to steal the camera when we are not looking and take a bunch of random pictures of each other. I had no idea they had taken so many. I have never seen them doing this, so I am really beginning to wonder how well I watch them :). My mom told me I should post some of them just for fun. So here they are. This isn't even half of what they took. We have had a chat about using mommy's camera without her knowing, but I am not sure how well they got the message since I know some of these were taken after that talk ;). I might just go with it though. Who knows, maybe one of them will grow up to be a famous photographer (wink, wink), and I will have these first photos to show where they started :).

I want to know what happened here. I don't even know why it would turn out this color. Crazy!
I brought home a bunch of balloons with numbers on them from a girls camp meeting one Saturday and the boys had a hay day with them. Jacob loved these balloons. He said they were his friends. He went around the house calling "Number 10, Number 10! Where are you?" Then he would carry it around, talk to it and play with it like it was a real person. I am beginning to wonder if homeshooling doesn't offer enough friends for him :)

I love that he got this picture (even though my kitchen is so messy), this is how Joelle sits for her personal reading time every day. Feet tucked under her and everything. She says she likes reading at the counter because then she doesn't get tired. She says she gets sleepy if she reads sitting on the couch - even if it is her favorite book (Harry Potter). This is so foreign to me. I love to read laying down (on the couch or in bed) and I can read for hours before I get sleepy - maybe that is why I don't sleep well and Joelle sleeps like a baby (she has always been a great sleeper).
I don't know how I didn't notice Jacob taking this picture. He is sneaky, that one.
He said Katie took this picture. Weirdo.
I would love to know what she was saying here. I really hope she was acting something out because she looks pretty mad :).
I know she was acting here because she called me in to show me how well she can pretend to be asleep (once again I never even saw the camera). She was so funny that day. I think she really acts well. To me she looks asleep. Am I just biased here?
I am pretty sure David knew they were playing with the camera, but he didn't mind. I guess I don't mind too much anymore either. I just hate having to go through and delete all these random pictures. Or, like today, forget they are on the camera and download them into my computer and have to weed through them to get the pictures I took.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Photo shoot pictures
These were some of the pictures from our photo shoot when we were getting our Christmas card picture. There are a bunch that I want to post, but they are not in the right format yet. I will get them on here soon. These paticular pictures (aside from the first one) are the ones that will be going on our family wall. I love these kiddos!

Random Katieness
Katie is so funny. She makes us laugh all the time. Even at church we get told by the people behind us that they can't focus because they are too busy watching her. She has turned into such a sweetie. Last night David made Indian fry bread for dinner. Katie loves to cook with mom and dad. She is always pulling up her stool to the counter or stove to help. She had a blast rolling out David's dough (and peppering our chicken noodle soup the night before - I now know I have to watch her very closely when she has the pepper :). Of course she had to play with the flour and dough right after her bath.

This was my first attempt at doing her cute hair since Mindy left. She made me get out my camera and take pictures of her. She is so funny with the camera. She likes to pose herself. She even told me "get me reading my book." Life would be so boring without our "Little Missy."
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