The short ride on the train there was really fun. It was packed on the way back so we took turns standing, which of course the kids thought was fun.
Then we had a very short train ride the few blocks up to David's office (you ride for free in the downtown area). David usually walks it, but we didn't want to tire the kids out to early. This is his building. It has over 36 floors. David works on the 14th floor. He loves it. The view is incredible.
This is looking out a window of one of the bigger offices on the floor. If you look closely you can see either Mt. Hood or Mt. St. Helens (we are not quite sure which one :) in the background. You can see the other mountain from the other side of the floor. It was really neat.
After that we went to Mcdonalds. Hurray - my favorite (heavy on the sarcasm).