We went camping last weekend with my older brother Mike, his wife Amy and their four kids. My little brother John, his wife Tiffany and their baby Kaylee also came. We loved it! I was freaking out on the way up there because of some serious looking dark clouds. As we got closer it started to pour. Needless to say, I was not happy at this point. Then we missed our turn and went up a little higher toward the rim, it started hailing. The whole time I was telling David that it wasn't possible to camp in weather like this, that we weren't going to be able to find Mike, and that we should go back down to Payson and get a hotel room. Well, David refused to go back until we found the spot we were looking for. As we got closer to the spot, the rain started to let up and David found Mike. Everything worked out great. It never rained again and the weather was great. The girls told us later that while we were lost they both prayed that the weather would get better so we could camp and that we would find my brother. Ahhh, the faith of little children. We really had a great time.
Sorry people, I know that there are a million pictures here, but it was so much fun, I couldn't leave anything out.
David is the best. I thought you would all like to see the man I fell in love with. He gave me this look and I was sold :). Who wouldn't be?
Sorry people, I know that there are a million pictures here, but it was so much fun, I couldn't leave anything out.
David is the best. I thought you would all like to see the man I fell in love with. He gave me this look and I was sold :). Who wouldn't be?