It is funny to me that this tiny 17lb. little girl can push a huge, heavy chair all around the room, but has a hard time figuring out a walker that was made for such a thing. Personally, I think something is wrong with the toy, not the baby :).
Monday, May 19, 2008
Anyone who has ever been blessed to hear Jacob speak knows he has a language of his own. This is one of our favorites:
Our new passion!
David and I have recently taken up the guitar. He origianally bought this guitar for himself, but I am telling you when he pulled it out of it's beautiful case it was singing to me. I have never coveted anything that I can reacall, but I wanted this guitar more than I had ever wanted anything. Everytime he would pull it out to play it I felt like it was calling to me saying "I'm not for him, I was made for you! Play me!" Then when we took it to my brothers for him to tune it and give David some guitar tips, I decided to try out a few cords. While I was strumming my brother looked at me and said "Sarah, you look really good with that guitar, it's like it was made for you." At that moment I was sold. I told David that I had been feeling that it should be mine. I actually got pretty possesive and agressive at that point. David said he felt the same way Mike did. That it never really felt like his guitar and that he loved seeing me with it. So there we go, that is how I stole my husbands guitar. He bought himself another one and we lived happily ever after. David is getting really quite good at it. I know a few songs, but I am happy to just sit and strum the few chords I know. I love this pretty little guitar!

Marshmallows, Marshmallows!
I was folding laundry and watching a movie the other day, with Katie right next to me. I don't know how long it had been since I had looked at her (she was being unusually happy and quiet),but I looked down and there she was sitting with a big bad of marshmallows in her lap and marshmallow all over her face. She was as happy as I had ever seen her. Messy little baby.

Next to Marshmallows, Katie's new favorite thing is to push a chair around the room so she can walk. She figured it out at my brothers house a week ago and hasn't stopped since. We bought her a walker, but she won't really use it. She prefers to push around a big heavy chair. Gotta love her!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mommy Date
On Friday night I went on a "Mommy Date" with Emma and Joelle. David usually takes the boys and I take the girls. We like to let them choose where to eat and what to do. We end up doing these dates about once every other month. David took the boys to see Iron Man. They loved it! The girls decided the wanted to go shopping at the mall. First we ate dinner at the food court :(- even though I told them we could go anywhere to eat :). Then they rode the carousel. Then Joelle and I went down the escelator and left Emma at the top because I didn't realize she was scared to try and get on it by herself (I guess it had been a while). So we went back up and got her. Then we went and did a bunch of shopping. Although we didn't spend a ton of money we had a ton of fun (usually money and fun go hand in hand for me :). It was so fun listening to them talk about all the things they love about the mall, and seeing their differnt taste in clothes and toys (or their same tastes really). They have so much fun together. I love being with my girls. We finished off the night at Bahama Bucks (of course). We had a blast! The pictures taken in the car were taken by my girls (accept for the one of them - of course).
Wendy and Jose, look at that desert! Seriously, don't ya just want to rush on back to that? Really? Well, We'll see. :) (Hope so...xoxo).

Wendy and Jose, look at that desert! Seriously, don't ya just want to rush on back to that? Really? Well, We'll see. :) (Hope so...xoxo).

Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Real Katie
David took all my kids to the Fathers and Sons campout (the preisthood commemoration campout - according to David (which is why he felt he could take my girls :) a couple of weeks ago Katie and I went shopping by ourselves. It was quite fun. I decided to try to take a picture of the two of us out together. I know that this is a horrible picture of me, and that David would be horrified if he knew I was going to post such a poor picture, but it shows "The Real Katie". For those of you who don't see Katie on a reagular basis this is what she lookes like 90 percent of the time. Her tounge is never in her mouth. It's her trademark and I had to show it off.
Oh, and by the way, here is our first crop of cherry tomatoes. We thought you all might be a little jealous. We are still waiting to share the wealth. Hopefully we really will get a crop so we really can share it. I will totally keep you all posted on that :).
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Katie At 9 Months
Katie turned 9 months old today. She is the funniest little baby. I took her to her 9 month well check today. She weighed in at 17lb. 2 oz. She was 26th percentile for weight, 68th for height, adn 64th for head circumfrance. So she is tall and petite. The doctor had a lot of fun with her. She loves people right now and will pretty much go to anyone that wants to hold her. She gives her toothy smile to anyone who will give her the time of day. She has such a great little personality.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
babies and sand shouldn't mix
I set Katie out in the grass this morning to play with the rest of our kiddos and I went back inside to get something. When I came back out I found that Katie had discovered the sand pit. She was putting handful after handful of sand into her mouth. Gross, I know, but I thought it was pretty funny. So here is my happy little baby in the sand :).

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